Broccoli Boot Camp 2.0
Health & Recovery Blog /journal
What did I feed My body mind and spirit today ?
Journey with me as I make a commitment to myself to be a better broccoli man so that I can serve my family and community better and share the resources I find along the way !

Day 30
Hooray 30 days of putting my health as a priority ! rainy day didnt get as many steps in and didn't manage to get in arms but will get back on track

Got in some gardening today and if felt great
planted nasturtium , cukes, more peas, radishes and bok choy
learned more about an invasive weed I have been removing from my garden called Pennywort or dollar weed
turns out is super beneficial for blood pressure /anxiety /sleeplessness /and repairing nerves

Day 9 : taking a big step today on reflection and addressing some inner mental health challenges and noticing anxiety trends and working on ways to relieve pain and depression
Day 7
ok getting back to feeling better and being productive
Day 6
My water kefir crystals came in! started brew process
Day 5 : rest and rest feeling somewhat better